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fluctuation scope中文是什么意思

用"fluctuation scope"造句"fluctuation scope"怎么读"fluctuation scope" in a sentence


  • 波动幅度


  • Through adopting a new method and analyzing massive sensitive analysis data , this thesis induces the “ uniformity ” rule in the uncertainty analysis under the same fluctuation scope condition , then through the deductive , cites a new variable named fluctuation index of eirr to represent the project ’ s ability of resisting risk
    本文另辟蹊径,通过对大量敏感性分析数据的分析,归纳出在同等浮动幅度的条件下,不确定性分析中存在着“一致性”的规律;然后再通过演绎的方法,引入一个崭新的变量? ?经济内部收益率扰动参数来代表项目抵抗风险能力大小。
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